
Natural Gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel, providing safe and reliable energy to millions of customers through a network of buried transmission and distribution pipelines. At Wheeler Basin Natural Gas Company our main goal is to deliver Natural Gas safely and reliably to the many homes, businesses, schools, and industries we serve. We are committed to educating our partners, customers, public officials, excavators, emergency responders and the affected public on the importance of Recognizing, Reacting & Responding to any incident near a Natural Gas pipeline or involving Natural Gas. The Nation’s pipeline infrastructure is a matter of national security. If you witness suspicious activity on a pipeline right-of-way please contact the appropriate authorities as soon as possible or call WBNG @ 256.974.9023.
Natural Gas Facts
Natural Gas is colorless, odorless and lighter than air.
Natural Gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel.
Natural Gas is composed primarily of Methane.
A sharp blue flame indicates a complete gas/oxygen mixture during combustion.
Carbon dioxide and water vapor are the main products released when Natural Gas is burned.
A damaged connection to gas appliance.
Dirt or water being blown into the air.
Dead or dying vegetation (in an otherwise moist area) over or near pipeline areas.
A fire or explosion near a pipeline.
Exposed pipeline after a fire, flood, tornado, earthquake or other disaster.
An unusual sound, such as hissing, whistling or roaring sound near a gas line or appliance.
The distinctive odor of “mercaptan” a product added to natural gas to give it an odor, usually associated with the smell of rotten eggs.
Open all doors and windows if you can do so quickly.
Don’t turn lights on or off or unplug electrical appliances.
Don’t smoke or strike any matches.
Don’t use telephones, cell phones or any electrical equipment that might create a spark.
Always leave the premises immediately and call 911.
Don’t try to locate the gas leak.
Keep everyone away from the area.
Evacuate the building or location until it is declared safe to return by WBNG.
Safety Checklist for Lighting Appliances
Make sure your Natural Gas Appliances are clean of dust and debris and there is proper clearance between heaters and curtains, furniture or anything that obstructs proper function of the appliances.
After lighting the appliance, make sure it has a good burning pilot light with a sharp blue flame.
If you have un-vented Natural Gas Logs, make sure the damper on the chimney is closed and the pilot is clean. With vented Natural Gas Logs make sure the chimney is clean and the damper is open and again the pilot is clean.
Fall "to do" List
Clean & check my natural gas appliances as cooler weather nears.
Check pilot lights for a“sharp” blue flame.
Post WBNG’s number on the fridge, in case I smell gas or have a safety concern. 256-974-9023
Check damper on needs to be open with my vented gas logs.
Buy a programmable thermostat…to help reduce my utility bill.
Replace my old appliances with new natural gas models that are more energy efficient and could save me even more money on my utilities.
Buy furnace filter’s in order to change filter each month.
For more energy saving ideas visit: